lunes, 14 de abril de 2008


From my point of view, the Catalan Countries are a Nation, with the characteristic items that all the nations have: a language, a literature, a being- manner, a history and a lot of traditions. Because of that I think that we must have the opportunity of rule us as any other country in the world. But we also need the freedom as a way to preserve our language, which is becoming more and more little.

The first thing that I want to write about is the plurality of the Catalan territory. I’m living in the most secessionist place of them, Catalonia, but there are other places, like Northern Catalonia (in France), Andorra, and Valencian Land, the Balearic Isles and a part of Aragón in the Spanish State. The situation is very different here than in València, where the Spanish colonization is not the most important problem that the population who are being tricked for their political class, is facing.

It could seem that the independentists are anti-Spanish, but I I’m really convinced that it isn’t a good option. I’m also against the position that the Spanish make in their relation with the Catalans, because I think that they don’t give us the opportunity of being autodeterminated, and the last estatut of Catalonia is a great demonstration of it. I fight for a catalanism free of this ancient and maybe fascist ticks. I look for a tolerant country, which could have a good relationship with its neighbours, like Spain. I think that the people who say being anti-Spanish or who actuate like this, are people that are only vinculated to the independentist movement for ancient symbolical motives, as well as the people who support the terrorism.

And this is the next subject that I wanted to talk about. Now, I could say that I’m very proud of the independentism of nowadays, because we have forgotten, I think that for a lot of time, the violence as a way of get our freedom. The narrow mentality of the time of Terra Lliure and other assassin groups has been buried. Now all the organizations are making a civil and participative process founded on the non-violence. And this is really the only way as we could get the independence

In a nut shell, I think that the Catalan Countries are a plural nation, with an important common element, the Catalan Language, and if we want the independence we have to work hard on the non-violence movement.

1 comentario:

Barrie dijo...

Hi Quim, thanks for your post. I think you have written a balanced and rational essay on independentism which is not very common. I wish you could see your dream made true.