domingo, 13 de abril de 2008


When we think of "maltreatment" automatically thought of domestic violence, abuse of power, bullying, not with these terms relate to children, to children, however, are the hardest hit and most defenseless.

Under the law is considered child abuse carried out under the age of 18 when her physical or mental health, or safety are at risk, whether by acts and omissions carried out by parents or others responsible for their care to occur, then, the abuse by action, omission or negligence. We could enumerate various types of abuse:

• Physical abuse: breached any physical injuries on the body of the child, done with the intent to harm.
• Abandonment or Neglect: When parents or guardians do not meet, if you want, the basic needs of the child.
• Sexual abuse: The child is used by an adult or another child more for sexual satisfaction, and respond to this child can not give informed consent.
• Psychological abuse or emotional: Any action that produces mental or emotional harm on the child, causing disruption of sufficient magnitude to affect the dignity, alter their welfare, or even harming their health. Abused children are rarely affected by introducing a single abuse, often their impact are related. For example, a child who was physically mistreated, it is also damaging emotionally.

The psychological abuse takes the following actions that we will describe below. Sometimes these are found to be normal without repairing the ceiling where it ends a call to correct and psychological abuse begins:

- When ridiculed, it was insulting, it belittles a child, he was mistreated when he submits to witness physical or verbal violence towards family members; tying a child to any furniture, threaten, intimidate, emotional blackmail ; isolate him, deprive him of his liberty in the dark, implicitly or explicitly reject even approached the world of drugs, alcohol, the vices .... everything it can cause deterioration in the social, emotional or intellectual child.

Interestingly, this type of abuse is very assumption in our society, despite the fact that the list is very long.

This type of abuse is also linked to emotional neglect, where the child receives no affection, encouragement, support and protection required for each stage in its development staff.

1 comentario:

Barrie dijo...

Hi Marco, thanks for your post.