domingo, 10 de febrero de 2008


Like every Tuesday, we finished the classes at one o’clock, and then we had free time. We were the same girls that come back to our homes, and all the Tuesdays we stopped at the Lottery place and bought some “rasca” that cost 0’50€ or 1’00€, but it doesn't matter if we win or not, it’s simple the custom of the Tuesdays. But we never won.
But these Tuesday was different, we were returning slowly to our homes, and we stopped and bought four rascas.
We started to scratch girl by girl, and when I started to scratch, suddenly I saw the prize of 3000€, I won!! All the girls were fascinated, it was amazing! I thought, it would be better to share the prize. We made a travel, and I spent the rest of the money as well as I could.

1 comentario:

Barrie dijo...

Hi Judith, thanks for your post. You have to pay more attention to what to write. Remember if it is a narrative there are certain conventions that you must follow. It is not just to tell something, it is to tell something in a specific way. Have a look at page 63 and try to follow the guidelines.