lunes, 28 de enero de 2008


In our own life we can’t understand the totality of the events. For example: why one day we have bad luck all the day? Or why the planets move on those orbits?
Edward Lorenz “answers” these questions in 1963; he was a scientist of the MIT (Massachusetts Iechnologic Institute) and created two or three equations and a theory, called Chaos theory, who still helps to understand these uncertain events. But it’s not developed enough to make us understand specify movements or things.
The Chaos theory talks about these irregular movements that in appearance haven’t got relation, but if you apply these equations you can find the relation between them and their solutions. The best example is the investigation that Lorenz did in 1963. In the beginning of the investigation, the events developed correctly but one morning Lorenz woke up and thank that they could use three decimals instead of six to save time and paper and then was when the chaos appears.

1 comentario:

Barrie dijo...

Hi David, thanks for your post. It's very interesting.
Have a look at the bolded words to correct the mistakes, please.